Nov 30, 2009

Tis the season for hunting trees

And so our anual tradition of cutting down the tree begins. I know a fake one would be the easy way to go..but i just can't do it. I was raised in a home of six children, and my fondest memories are of christmas tree hunting at Brown's nursery. I hope my kids remember these special family traditions and have the opportunity to pass them on to their children.

My friend Levi's family owns Fulton it was fun to meet up with him and his girlfriend Christy while we were there! [The dog is theirs..and I was in love so I had to post a picture]

Annie was a good helper ;)

I had to post this because it makes me laugh. If only you could all know my husband ;)

I couldn't leave our son Cash out of the festivities..

Caleb & Misty

Caleb and Misty are getting married next year, but haven't set an "actual" date yet. My husband and I have known Caleb for a long time through our church. It's great to see our friends finding their soul mates. I know that might sound cheesy, but it puts a smile on my face.

I took a lot of these in our backyard..we only had about a half hour so we got in as many as we could before it got dark! It's a challenge sometimes thinking of new ideas for pictures in my back yard. You'd think I'd be exhausted of it by now..but sometimes I surprise myself. These are a few of my favorites ;)

Congrats guys!

Nov 23, 2009

Fall Retreat '09

My husband does lighting for our church's youth retreat every fall. On the ride home Friday night we realized it's been 7 years since he's been a part of it! I can't believe it's gone by so fast.. It's always somewhat bittersweet moving on from different season's in life. I used to go to fall retreat every year and the past few years I haven't been able to make it. I know God is good..and I know he touched people's lives this weekend. Thank you pastor Jason and Jennifer for your commitment to the Lord and all you do!

[Will is so talented! I am so thankful for everyday I have with him. He's the best thing that ever happened to me]

Check Living Word church out @ LWC

Nov 22, 2009


These were so much fun for me to do. When Natalie approached me about taking some pictures of her for her modeling portfolio I was so excited ;) Really taking a bad photo of her would be impossible so I had to post a lot! As you will see she is absolutely stunning!

We are going to had another session, so this is just part 1

Thanks for checking them out! [and thanks for having me do them Natalie!]

I loved these shoes..I'm pretty sure they deserved their own picture ;)

My favorite..Natalie's idea

Nov 19, 2009

Ellie senior pictures

It was a lot of fun working with Ellie. I love how she had a lot of her own ideas, and also wanted more of a vintage feel to her pictures. When she graduates her goal is to be a missionary in Peru! She's already visited and is heading back when school is out...

Here a few of my favorites from her shoot..

[I'm trying to get caught up with everything right now...hopefully I'll find some time to post a few sessions next week! I have quite a few shoots plus thanksgiving! so we will see what all I can accomplish ;)]

Nov 18, 2009

Last signs of fall

The end of fall always makes me a little sad [although I do look forward to the coming holidays]. I took these at a park the other day with our new lens [I am in love]..all I did in photoshop was adjust the color a little.