lots of good things coming up. i've been rethinking a lot of things and ways to help improve my business.
i will post more when the time comes to be detailed.
i have a few things to say. i will no longer be using caps. i find it incredibly annoying.
say im stupid i dont mind. typing stupid would be accurate.
also. i am going to be posting a lot of goodies soon. [i do believe i just used the word goodies. time for bed]
stay tuned.

right now i am dreaming of california. not because i dont love snow. i just love california more.
orange county with my man sounds really nice right now.
took some pictures of the kids today.
i almost forgot, but then i didn't think they'd be any good because of constant nasal drip-age.
i had to edit some of annies boogers out. im sure you all wont mind :)
i did it for you.
[cash, my handsome..you are getting too big!]

thanks to my husband both of my children inherited insanely great eyes.

why must you always look at me like that??! it's a camera silly. one day it will belong to you. [one day far far away]

a little better?

can't forget our new friend ;)